
Author: Ann Sibang / Labels:

From Wikipedia

Bidayuh is collective name for the several indigenous groups found in southern Sarawak, on the island of Borneo, that are broadly similar in language and culture (see also Issues below). The name "Bidayuh" means 'inhabitants of land'. Originally from the western part of Borneo, the collective name Land Dayaks was first used during the period of  Rajah James Brooke, the White Rajah of Sarawak. They constitute one of the main indigenous groups in Sarawak and love in towns and villages around Kuching and Samarahan in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. Related groups are also found in west Kalimantan. In Sarawak, most of Bidayuh population are found within 40 km of the geographical area known as Greater Kuching, within the Kuching and Samarahan division. They are the second largest Dayak ethnic group in Sarawak after the Iban.


Anonymous said...

In West Kalimantan, the Bidayuh sub-groups are: BiJagoi, Bakati, Banyadu, Binanak, Bikidoh, Ahe, Banamiar,Kandayant, and a few more in Sanggau Kapuas areas.
The present Governor is a Dayak Bidayuh Ahe, similar to our Bidayuh Selakau in Lundu.
Their common Dayak language in West Kalimantan is Bidayuh Ahe.

carlo said...

This is very informative and fun. It is so important for people to stay true to their indigineous cultures so others can appreciate the diverse and interesting world that we have

Ann Sibang said...

This is what I'm trying to do-promote an awareness of our own culture.

Ann Sibang said...

Dear tunabdulrazak, thank you for the input. Just what I needed. There are so many I have missed.

Ann Sibang said...

Thank you for the insight. I do need all the right facts about Bidayuh. I also appreciate contributions for my blog.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ann, I wonder if anybody bother to really check out the meaning of the word 'Dayak' or just 'Daya' to us Bidayuh cos as far as I know, the word actually belongs to our community and not to any of the other ethnic races in Sarawak. The word Daya literally means people and hence, we were called the Land Dayak while the Iban,the Sea Dayak. The other ethnic races have never been called Dayak of any sort. If they are grouped as the Dayaks now, then it simply stems from the fact that the word means 'people' or the indigenous people (the Dayaks) of Borneo. For curiousity sake, just ask any Iban or Orang Ulu, if Daya is in their vocabulary aside from the collective name for the said group of people. But what is certain is that, 'Daya' is 100% Bidayuh. Anybody out there who cares to contradict this fact?

taki kasung said...

Haaa...ta sama Bidayuh tang iik duh pu-an.